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Here are some of the users currently using this web-bbs!

- Guests (6)

Total online users: 6

Theme Picker

Welcome, Guest! 11:25pm Friday, July 26, 2024

Thank you for visiting our Virtual Advanced webpage!
This is the web based version of our BBS. With it you will be able to access most areas of the system using only your web browser. So, sit back, relax and browse around! Lee Wilson
Moon Base Alpha

Today's Callers
User # Handle Node Time Baud
#419 Microbot Ch 1 03:28am 115200

Who's Online?
Ch # Handle Action
0: Waiting...
1: FIDOnet
2: Waiting...
3: Waiting...
4: Waiting...
5: Waiting...
6: Waiting...
7: Waiting...
8: Waiting...
9: Waiting...
10: Waiting...

Execution Time: 0.0365 seconds

If you experience any problems with this website or need help, contact the webmaster.
VADV-PHP Copyright © 2002-2024 Steve Winn, Aspect Technologies. All Rights Reserved.
Virtual Advanced Copyright © 1995-1997 Roland De Graaf.